Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sketchbooks and Other News!

The two new sketchbooks "Kick Ass Women" and "Hesse-O-Rama"  are officially in the Hesse-Art.Com shop!  To purchase one or to check it out, go to 

Also, I'm in the midst of a HUGE "Sale" update! ( In case you wanted to wait ) I went through my merch and realized I have over 25 different prints in inventory! Some of the prints are my older works from back in 2005-2009 (Yes I've been doing pin-ups that long!) and didn't realize I still had that many until I discovered them going through my archival boxes. So what does this mean you may ask? It means all this stuff has to GO. That means I'm going to let this stuff go for cheap! Prints for $5 and $10!

Besides the prints, I'm going to put up all the original art that I have left from Baltimore Comic Con.  Fan art, zombie sketches, you name it- it's going up!  To make the sale even more fun since Halloween is around the corner, I'm thinking of having some sort of free gift thrown in with a minimum  purchase. In addition to the prints I came across, I have a ton of "Frankie Baby" tshirts I found in storage! It's the perfect tshirt for Halloween!

So sometime this week I'll be posting news when the sale is going live! Stay tuned


p.s. I may even have a sale on sketch cards too!