Monday, August 27, 2012

Moonlighting Zombie!

Well not quite together like the title suggests ;) Here's a few commissions I did recently. Zombies and pinups, what more can you ask for??

This one is a long overdue commission for a fella. Felt like kicking it old school with the theme on this one.  With the whole outbreak of zombies being super popular, I feel a lot of current shows or movies are slowly moving away from original plot of the undead.  They love to eat BRAINS!

Apologies for the watermarks. As of late, every zombie art related piece I post gets swiped and somehow manages to appear in pins, necklaces, bracelets, and  god knows what else on Ebay and Etsy.  So I have to put my "mark" on my work so to speak. ;)

Remember Moonlighting? I sure do. How can you forget Maddie Hayes with the power 80’s shoulders, the Breck hair, and the fabulous lilac, peach, and pink power suits/ dresses she used to adorn? She was the quintessential woman during that era, cracking crimes while looking in Vogue and bad ass in her mauve lipstick.  I don’t care what you say, she rocked.

This time around I decided to show my in progress steps. From the pencils, to inks, to final colors. I love seeing in progress steps from my favorite artists.  Figured I would do the same.