Thursday, October 6, 2011

NYCC and Sketch Cards!

Hey all, I donated some sketch cards for the Superhero for Babies charity! All proceeds go to March of Dimes. This is the FOURTH year for the Superhero for Babies drive. Check out the cards and bid for a good cause! There's more cards I did besides the ones I have shown here...if you get a chance check em' out! Thanks in advance!

Just copy the link and paste in your browser and go! Sorry no link, Blogger is not accepting it for some reason!

News on NYCC! I will be at New York Comic Con next Friday! (It's almost here, can you believe it?) I'll be at the Girls Drawing Girls Booth at 01 in Artist Alley from 12-3 on Friday! I will be there with all the other amazing artists that are part of the group selling our wares. I myself, will have some Pin-tastic Pin pin packs and a new mini print set named Girls, Girls, Girls! The print set will feature four mini-pinups ready to take home! ! I won't be doing commissions at the show, but if you're interested in a pre-order drop me a line at dessert at and I'll see what I can work out! Can't wait to see you all there!!